Wednesday, 24 June 2015

IELTS Writing Task 2

Hi guys, I am going to share my writing task 2 practice for IELTS. As we can see, IELTS is consisted of four sections including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. In the writing section, it is divided to writing task 1 and task 2. In this time. I would like to write my practice on the writing task 2, an argument or opinion analysis task. It is my group's homework at IALF. Any correction or feed-back is valuable for my improvement, therefore, should you have any question or correction, do not hesitate to let me know.

Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching. With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. To what extent do you agree or disagree? give your own opinion.

In this digital era, the advance of information technology has numerous impacts on the way of people communicate. More people become easily connected each other and there is no barrier in space and time. It has great influence on the course arrangement in universities nowadays, some universities accommodate online class beside original lecture class in the classroom. A group of people think, attending lecture class in the big-sized class is an ancient method, and it should be replaced by its online counterpart. Although online courses are more efficient in time and offer more flexibility than lecture classes, in my point of view lecture classes provide more invaluable benefits for students and lecturers which cannot be overtaken by online distance learning.

Firstly, Old-fashion lecture class facilitates more connections between professors and students as a result from their interaction in discussion during tutorials. The relationship between academic tutor and student, especially personal connection, is a substantial benefit for student in approaching professor to participate in their research. An important fact to note is, many professors tend to recruit students with well-known working performance and good motivation for conducting laboratory research. Additionally, students also get benefit from the professor for getting convincing letter of recommendation for graduate school application.

On the other hand, online lecture classes are prone to several internet troubles. As we know that majority in developing countries do not have stable internet connection compared to developed country. An example in Indonesia, there is huge number of difficulties establishing video conference using internet due to band width limitation. Therefore, in such cases will give detrimental effect as delayed connections making knowledge transfer become partially. 

On the society perspective, University is a vibrant place to educate people by transferring knowledge and exchanging ideas. There are opulence opportunities for students exchanging ideas and gathering abundance international cultures from their classmates and lecturers. Students acquire critical thinking with different perspective, and it is beneficial for their career development after graduating. Not only deeply in critical thinking, scholar gain valuable experience such as making project together. 

In conclusion, attending lecture classes in the auditorium is more beneficial than via online counterpart. It allows disciples gaining many personal and professional connection as it is a good modal for the career development. Hence, i strongly disagree with the opinion and support old-way teaching. 

Monday, 5 January 2015

Method in Molecular Biology : DNA isolation

In this page I am going to show  DNA isolation  technique which indispensable step in molecular biology. Molecular biologist routinely perform DNA extraction to remove its contaminants such as protein, lipid, and cell wall component, prior to subsequent experiments. They are in need of pure DNA for several applications, such as polymerase chain reaction, restriction digest, molecular cloning, etc. The critical points of those applications is the purity of DNA samples. Contaminants 

There are three types of DNA, each of them need several modification steps to isolate. Genomic DNA (gDNA) is a kind of DNA that compose the entire genome of the cells or organisms. gDNA reside in the nucleus in the form of chromosome in eucaryote, or in the cytoplasm in the bacteria or procaryote. The second type is a plasmid DNA, and the third is mitochondria or chloroplast DNA.

The principle of DNA extraction is based on the three steps. (1) cell lysis, (2) cell digestion, (3) DNA precipitation and purification. The first step is lysis of cell by disrupting membrane or cell wall to release all of the cell contents. There are so many strategies to perform cell lysis which depend on the cell type. Non ionic surfactant like sodium dodecyl sulphonate (SDS) and EDTA usually are used to perform this task. EDTA will bind with magnesium ions and makes cell more sensitive to disruption. EDTA also prevents DNAse to degrade DNA by chelating Mg2+ ion. SDS interacts with membrane phospholipid, so the cell membrane will break and lysis. Cell disruption is a first key step to accomplish DNA isolation. Several modifications are used according to sample type. If we isolate DNA from animal cell or tissue, we just need SDS, EDTA and proteinase K. But if we want to isolate DNA from bacteria, we use lysozyme (gram negative or E coli) or lysostaphin (for Staphylococcus spp) in order to break the cell wall. Several commercial kits using guanidin isothiocyanate to make cell lysis also.

The next step to perform DNA isolation is cell digestion, in this step we are digesting protein and RNA, and then extracting our DNA by using organic extraction or spin column. Proteinase K degrade protein and RNAse A will degrade all the remaining RNA. After cell digestion, we have to separate DNA from cell debriss. Organic extraction method by using phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol is the most used in conventionally manner, but it more laborious and need several time to accomplish this. Most commercial kits use spin column method, in this method we use silica membrane to trap our DNA instead the other cell debriss are filtered through spin collumn during centrifugation steps. Washing DNA is needed to make purified DNA with the lowest impurities such as protein. DNA washing performed by using wash buffer containinng ethanol 70%. After that, DNA from spin collumn are eluated using elution buffer or steril nuclease free water.

Here I provide some DNA extraction protocols from several commercial kits and using organic extraction from Sambrok.

A. Genomic DNA isolation from blood, tissue, and cell culture using Purelink Genomic DNA Kit

B. Plasmid DNA isolation using GeneJet Miniprep Plasmid Kit Thermo Scientific.