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image taken from http://www.extremetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/stem-cells.jpg
I feel gratefully to post one of the current hot topic in science, "Stem Cells". What is it ? is there anyone know about it before ? I wish you have known about it before, and here i would like to share some of the hot topic about the stem cells today, let's check it up.
Stem cells have outstandingly potential to develop into many differentiated type of cells in the body during early live and growth. Moreover, Stem cells serve as a "toolkit" for repairing and tissue regeneration during injury or normal physiological process, example cell loss in the intestine. When the stem cells divide, they produce progeny with similar properties that act as stem cells and more specialized cells. Either progeny that could divide and differentiated again (progenitor cells) or terminally differentiated cells (e.g neurons, muscle cells, blood cells).
Two properties make stem cells distinguished from other cell types. Stem cells have ability to self renew as unspecialized cells by self renewing themselves through cell division. They produce progeny that has properties as stem cells. Stem cells can be induced to become another type of cells with specialized function through culturing in the medium by the presence of specific growth factor. It was shown that many organs like bone marrow, gut epithelial, and skin have stem cells that provide unlimited cells for replenish dislodge or injured old cells. Without stem cells, our body can not produce blood cells, our skins are going to collapse, our gut are going to wreckage. Therefore it will be worst if the stem cells in our body disappear.
Recently, scientists have made incredibly progress unraveling basic stem cells biology and its application. There are three kinds of stem cells. Stem cells which derived from animal or human embryo is called embryonic stem cells. It has ability to generate almost any type of cells that composed our bodies. All neurons, blood cells, and skin cells could be generated by culturing ES cells in specific culture conditions, frequently by adding tissue-specific growth factors in culture medium. Another type of stem cells are addult stem cells. This type of stem cells are found in adult tissue. Adult stem cells could generate several cells, but its potency lower than ES cells. The third stem cells produced by "forced" expression of 4 key transcriptional factors (Oct3/4, Klf4, c-Myc, Nanog) by transducing adult somatic cells with retroviral or lentiviral carrying them. This experiment was shown by Sinya Yamanaka who won Noble Prize for his recognized accomplishment on this.
Human embryonic stem cells
(image was taken from http://www.bioequip.cn/ewebeditor/200500/201110269286895.jpg)
Generation induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and blastocyst complementation assay for assaying pluripotency of generated iPSC
(The picture was taken from http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/turning-somatic-cells-into-pluripotent-stem-cells-14431451)
On the regard of their regenerative potential, stem cells could be used to threat many regenerative diseases and injuries. Stem cells have promising application to threat diabetes, kidney failure, neurodegenerative disease. Besides, stem cells always give us better understanding to learn diseases progression especially malignancies. It was though that malignancies are developed from the abnormal tissues stem cells regulation. By studying stem cells behavior in normal and diseased condition, it would be better understanding for us to develop potential healing strategies. Stem cell biology is a new expanding field, it has been growing up several decades.
Although we have been made many significant progress in stem cells, we still need to uncover many mystery in basic stem cells before translating it to become valuable therapy candidate. Therefore I am very challenged to study stem cells.
1. Stem Cell Biology Edited By Daniel R Marshak, Richard L Gardner, David Gottlieb. Cold Spring Harbor Press.
2. Takahashi, K., Yamanaka, S., 2006., Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Embryonic and Adult Fibroblast Cultures by Defined Factors., Cell Stem Cell., Volume 126, Issue 4, p663–676
3. http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/pages/basics1.aspx
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