Wednesday 26 November 2014

My workplace

I didn't write my blog address correctly (with "t" ending) because  another blog  uses the same name, so i could not change it properly by adding "t" ending

Examining  flourescence microscope specimen of mesenchymal stem cell in retina repair (dr Titik's research)

Yeeah :D,.. It was 6 month since i started working as a laboratory technician in Rumah Sakit Tropik Infeksi Universitas Airlangga (Research Hospital for Tropical Infectious Disease, Airlangga University). I have been enjoying my current adventure in research environment, giving assistance to student and doing some analytical tasks i.e. ELISA, PCR, and microscopy imaging. My Director, Prof. Boerhan Hidayat, always encourages us to develop research theme and submit research proposal for grant fundraising. Finnaly, I am very surprised that I have been granted 41.6 millions rupiah for studying the role of microRNA  from Indonesian Torray Science Foundation. This is my workplace, but it is not a workplace i think, It is my pleasure world, because i could develop my scientific potential to be the next stem cell biologist. It is my starting point to succes...:D :D :D :D:D

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